Some Laws of Destiny To Gain Wisdom From
The laws of destiny, according to some scholars, are universal laws, like many others, but are unknown to most people. On the one hand, there are those who believe that everything is already written and that whatever happens will happen no matter what we do. Others believe that nothing is predetermined and that everything depends on our actions
However, many scholars/philosophers are of the view that the laws determine what forces influence our lives to ensure we encounter the life experiences that we require for our continued growth/development. Thus destiny is essentially a series of challenges/opportunities that enable us to learn lessons, acquire new abilities, improve our perceptions and thus develop our consciousness and ultimately also help others make this world a better place to live in. These are the laws found in nature, also called metaphysical laws. And even if we are not aware of them they influence and govern our lives. In other words, there is no bad luck (sorry to cute little black catty) or good luck (Crickets shouldn’t be proud anymore and stop chirping for a while), but just “Valleys and Mountains.” And they serve no other purpose but to convey the following message as:
“When you’re on the mountaintops of life, learn to bow low — and when you’re in the valleys of life, learn to stand tall.”
And another quote also conveys a meaningful message:

In this context, one of the most important inevitable universal laws is one which has been described by Famous philosopher Heraclitus who said: “Change is the only constant in life”.
This saying has also been translated to “The only constant is change”. Heraclitus is believed to have written a book where his saying was found. However, the book has been, reportedly, destroyed and exists only in fragments. Moreover, according to Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Heraclitus (fl. c. 500 B.C.E.) A Greek philosopher of the late 6th century BCE, also criticized his predecessors and contemporaries for their failure to see the unity in experience. He claimed to announce an everlasting Word (Logos) according to which all things are one, in some sense. Opposites are necessary for life, but they are unified in a system of balanced exchanges. The world itself consists of a law-like interchange of elements, symbolized by fire. Thus the world is not to be identified with any particular substance, but rather with an ongoing process governed by a law of change. The underlying law of nature also manifests itself as a moral law for human beings. Heraclitus is the first Western philosopher to go beyond physical theory in search of metaphysical foundations and moral applications.
Another of his famous saying is: “No man ever steps in the same river twice; for it is not the same river and he is not the same man”.
This law has also been explained by Paulo Coelho as under:
“Life is a train and not a station”. He further explains that this trains has many carriages and we keep on changing these carriages. He also says in his novel Aleph that “A life without a cause is a life without effect”. This means that if you do nothing at all there will be no change in your life and if you do not do anything, you will also make no mistake and, hence, learn no wisdom.
Moreover, as no situation is permanent, it also mean that even our troubles are temporary and thus we should never lose hope. But at the same times our good times too are not everlasting and thus we should not become arrogant.

The other fundamental law is Sir Issac Newton’s third law of physics: “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”.
A practical proof of this law was provided by an Indian journalist, who, seeing the sea returning the waste back to humans after heavy rain and cyclone in fort Kochi beach (Kerala, India) in 2021, commented:
“ Mother nature has shown its power through Newton’s third law of motion.”
It means we can not avoid the consequences of our actions and what we shall sow, the same will be reaped by us in future. Thus climate change and increasing numbers of natural disasters like frequent wildfires in Australia and California (America), flash floods in Pakistan, and droughts, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis in many other parts of the world are now common. Moreover, persistent heatwaves have affected parts of Europe, causing evacuations and heat-related deaths. The highest temperature recorded was 47.0 °C in Pinhão, Portugal, on 14 July, 2022.
And then, according to Adam D. Sacks ( Executive Director at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate Lexington, Massachusetts, United States), we can not negate the natural laws or facts as “The birds fly and pigs don’t” is a consequence of laws of nature governing physics and biology (although “pigs might fly” is also a phrase that is (humorously or sarcastically) used to indicate the unlikeliness of some happening. But then, as some believe, anything can happen (but not without a reason though we might not be able to decipher the truth behind something unpredictable or unbelievable). Thus the laws of nature are inviolable. Sacks further explains: “ This is truism and should be readily apparent as it, indeed, often is in indigenous cultures where people are entirely dependent on natural forces and what is close at hand. But this truism (laws of nature) is rendered invisible by technological and bureaucratic power, the delusional quality of human exceptionalism, and the complexity of civilizations, especially but not exclusively of recent industrialized civilization.
Then there are following Laws of Universe that are no less important but are rarely known or discussed:
i) The Law of Divine Oneness: As Heraclitus said (and has been mentioned earlier) “everything is connected to everything else.” What we think, we say, do and believe in will have a corresponding effect on others and universe around us. This then also supports Newton’s above mentioned third law.
ii) Law of Vibration: Everything in the universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Ethereal World. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibration frequency, unique to itself.
iii) The Law of Mentalism (Immutable)
The first of the seven Universal Laws tells us that “The All is Mind — The Universe is Mental”. That everything we see and experience in our physical world has its origin in the invisible, mental realm. It tells us that there is a single Universal Consciousness — the Universal Mind — from which all things manifest.
Similarly, according to Idealism too (the “belief in a spiritual principle at the basis of the world, without the reduction of the physical world to a mere illusion), there is no external reality composed of matter and energy. There are only ideas existing within minds.All energy and matter at all levels are created by and are subordinate to the Omnipresent Universal Mind. Your mind is part of the Universal Mind — the same in kind with the only difference being one of degree. Your reality is a manifestation of your mind. For instance, when you see an elephant, it is your mind that tells you that it is an elephant. This is true Mind Power.
Then there are other laws, such as; law of correspondence according to this law of, your circumstances are a mirror of your inner being. That means that to change your situation, you have to examine your inner self first; law of cause and effect (similar to Newtons’ third law) which specifically states that every single action in the universe produces a reaction no matter what. Every single effect within our world, upon our earth has a cause, an original starting point; law of compensation that states that a person will always be compensated for their efforts and contributions, no matter the effort and energy. in other words you are always rewarded regardless of the time (sooner or later) or form of the reward. Moreover, when you lose something, you get another (better) thing and vice versa. For instance if you get wealth, you may lose friends (due to jealousy or your arrogance). And if you lose something like a job, you might find a better opportunity etc. So never lose hope; law of attraction according to which positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. So always think positive; law of perpetual transmutation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed in this Universe. Moreover, it is constant and always transferring, always changing or always moving and transmuting from one form to other. For instance, water can transition into an ice cube, steam, clouds, rain, snow, but water never disappears from earth; law (or theory) of relativity negates the existence of absolute truth by emphasizing that Relativism exists in all things, and in the end, meaning comes down to our perspective, feelings and perception. So, Einstein once said “sit with a pretty girl (or any person of inner or outer charm) for an hour and it feels like a minute; sit on a hot stove for a minute and it feels like many hours. That’s relativity.”; law of polarity is the principle that everything has two “poles”: good and evil, love and hate, attraction and disconnection. In other words everything in the universe has an opposite; law of rhythm or balance explains that the energy in the universe is like a pendulum. Whenever something swings to the right, it must then swing to the left. In other words, for every high, there is a low and for every low, there is a high. You can not always remain happy and similarly you can not always remain sad. Light and darkness will take their turn in your life; law of genders (not just masculine and feminine) that can also called the law of the “yin and the yang.” It explains that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites, for example, female-male, dark-light and old-young. The pairs of equal opposites attract and complement each other. And, as has already been mentioned, according to Heraclitus, opposites are necessary for life and are unified in a system of balanced exchange. The unity of opposites, according to wikipedia, is also the central category of dialectics, said to be related to the notion of non-duality in a deep sense. It defines a situation in which the existence or identity of a thing (or situation) depends on the co-existence of at least two conditions which are opposite to each other, yet dependent on each other and presupposing each other, within a field of tension.
In short, as someone has aptly said, laws of destiny put man into circumstances that favour his development and enable him to evolve through experience, develop consciousness and so be filled with light of wisdom . Each and every one of us has come to this world to work on our spiritual development, sharing and participating in experiences with other human beings. Life is actually a process in which the Universe teaches us; planet Earth is a “spiritual school” and each life experience is like one academic year. It is up to man to use these opportunities and reach his ultimate destiny. And until he doesn’t learn the lessons and reach that stage of consciousness, he will keep moving in circles.
Thus, although we all need to study in detail to understand the phenomenon called “Universe” but we shouldn’t lose our mind in the labyrinth of long and complex philosophical debates as “devil is always in the detail.”
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